Monday, April 13, 2009

Moving States

So yesterday was my first anniversary.  And, of course, it was Easter.  And that made me think (you knew it would).  

First, I thought of how Christ's resurrection is a defining event in human history, and my anniversary is a defining event in mine.  

Second, I thought of how Christ's resurrection is a ransom, a deliverance from an inevitably miserable fate.  Um, yeah.  I'm sure you can see where I'm going with that...

It's true.  My life with Dixie is literally a deliverance.  I was taken from one state of being to another.  From online dating (please don't judge me) to joint filing.  From going-to-the-gym-after-work to please-pick-up-a-gallon-of-milk.  From condo to apartment.  From single to holding her hand as I fall asleep.  

Yeah.  That's deliverance.  

And then there's this Saturday.  I can't wait.


  1. That's schweet. :) I'm excited for Saturday too. Yeah for a new page in life!!

  2. When did you write this? I love it. Thanks babe. :)
